Leaders are not always born to leaders
I saw a two line mention about a leaders daughter failing to fight for an issue pertaining to Human Rights. All that i could recollect was the best debates and some personal experiences with the community which enriches me on leadership and ancestral recognition. Most of the time the world now seems to drive leadership more towards hereditary type as in the sons and daughters of the leader or the most powerful tend to come and occupy the same place knowing not about him or herself. No one knows what the seed can yield unless it is nurtured and till the time it come to the stage of yielding fruit. There should be equal composition of the young and the old, same in gender composition, as Plato says if a man is good at house hold labour let him do it , if a woman is good at ruling and administering let her take that place. There shall be no bias in gender or economic disparities when you choose a leader it shall be done with strict selection without any inside motives...