Success seeks the persevering

What come to our mind when we talk about success, is it related to only smart people probably not to us or is it more relevant to the most successful people. Why is that we never think of big success in our lives why that is so.....

There are various quotes on success, probably most read which is to motivate, to forget or to overcome failures.First let me read what success is, Success means getting a positive or an expected or an above expected level of output based on the effective and constant input which mostly is a result in nature.
If the above lines are so complicated let me put it as clear as possible. Success is an accomplishment or achievement of an aim or a purpose (google ;dictionary).

Perseverance what is this and how is it relevant to success. What is so unique about perseverance, don't let go easy attitude? yes, absolutely right. This is a very important attitude a successful person has.No matter how hard the road is, just get your energy to finish ans accomplish the decided. You might get the best results most of the times if you persevere the most.

In one of the books which i read it read like this" In one study of successful people from different walks of life, researchers discovered that the problem high achievers faced were more severe, not less severe, than those of the average person. One-fourth had major handicaps such as deafness, blindness or crippled limbs. Three-quarters had come from broken homes or had been born in abject poverty. Success is not a easy job unless we plan to keep knocking all the time till we succeed.

The pace of success has got its own speed, some drag a lot but some within a fraction; but whatever you do it all boils down to the sustained hanging on to the aim and working it hard no matter the hurdles.

Success and Perseverance; many greats have related this and the above tagline was drafted by me. Deep thinking and experiences of many failures just taught me what i missed the most losing hope never persevered that the reason.

Never lose down you may not now you might think you have to go a mile but one a percent of energy is left use it you will be surprised to know that success was right there at your next step......

keep going ... hope i made some sense out of the random lines cos blogs never speak to you and whatever you write it is so calm to take it without rejection ....     


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