"Failures should pain but should not stop you from moving on"-ZAC

Failure is the most beautiful experience which actually is the best learning tool for success. To support this one of the most loved proverb of mine on failure goes like this " Failure is a classroom where Success is only taught".

Failures; why does a man have more number of failures than success? why is it that many are demotivated and a very few who find their place in the history are motivated by devastating failures?

Unless we learn from the experience of failure it of complete waste to have experienced one. One should carefully understand that failures is the most painful experience that pins a mark but by doing so it should not stop you from moving on.

As for the words by Martin Luther King Jr. If you cant fly;run, If you cant run;walk, if you cant walk,crawl, but make sure you keep moving on. Failures sometimes makes us to crawl but its for sure that it will make you fly when you realize and learn from it the most you can.

Never stop because of failure; try it the other way start running the more faster than before success is very close to us the second we think of giving up!  


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