NGOs-Service Charge - Pretty Huge !

Since my childhood i was so fascinated about social work. I used to help my mother to write reports and take pictures of special children for sponsorship. I always smiled to see others smile, enjoyed playing with them. For almost 35 years she was a social worker but she was not a founder of an organisation but was part of a mission institution. There was no drastic economic development as she had to get the same amount of salary she received till her retirement.

After my mother i too studied social work, over the period, after my graduation I was able to meet many NGOs (Non-Government Organisation -charity), volunteer for them, and when i do so it was unpaid. Most of the times i realized that most of the charity here done for free lacks quality or competency. As I got the opportunity to work and meet many founders of NGOs i was quite surprised and questions started within me . Few thoughts that poured in was;

1. As many NGOs have come, there is duplication in addressing the issues and sadly nothing is completely addressed.
2. Because of many NGOs there is competition but this competition has not improved the quality of service.
3. The economic status of the founders of an Charity or NGOs hast flourished at pace that is not feasible in an high paying job even though the audit books says they get very minimum pay.

Who gets the major benefit the founders or the most needed, should the lifestyles of the founders be questioned ?


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