Tales of how mothers in India make their kids eat.. one such interaction made my day.

I was on a travel to one of the hill stations and was invited to a birthday eve with just 5 friends. As we were chatting, there were four kids and among them one was very naughty and he was the youngest of all. Then came the dinner time, all took our plates but this kid refused and his grandmother with food in her hand was literally begging and promising chocolates, dolls, and the list went on but this kid was not responding to anything and made fuss about the small ulcer in his mouth. One small piece of food he will roll, shout and say its burning, it will seem as if something big is happening. Seeing this I stared at him and did all my tricks but all in vain. His grandma left him and she had her food. After sometime she said "see here kutta if you are not going to have food, please don't call me in the night saying there is this "GHOR GHOR GHOR" noise from your stomach. Suddenly the kid sat and said amma if I have food will the sound stop? With great relief and never wanted to miss this opportunity his grandma she said, yes kutta better have it or in the night the noise will come and I won't be there to help you..and it all ended positively...:)

"Burdens are equally reduced to zero when being with the Children; they are worth watching and the best source to learn from. Heights of innocence and wherever they are there is no option of quietness and there are loads of hope for tomorrow" - ZAC

"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on." ― Carl Sandburg


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